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For my State Science Project Competition, I created and built Garber, a cleaning robot. It utilises an articulated foam brush to collect big debris, while the smaller dust particles are drawn through the vacuum. Furthermore, it includes a reservoir that dispenses water or cleaning solution of your choice as the foam roller just behind it wipes the floor clean.

Garber won the district level Science Fair and was chosen among the ten finalists from my home state to advance to the National Science Exhibition as one of ten finalist out of over 2000 participants.

Now in its third iteration, Garber uses sonar sensors and bumpers to detect the environment around and cleans it efficiently.

With Garber, you have to worry about your floors being dirty! Just set him loose and let him do his thing. Whether your place is just a little messy or downright cluttered, Garber will take care of it in no time. And you don't even have to lift a finger!