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Overview: The MAT-4 aircraft

The MAT-4 was developed for the AUVSI competition, which required flying over a specific area to identify ground targets and deliver payloads accurately from a height of 100 feet. The payloads consisted of 16 oz water bottles, and the scoring was based on the precision of the deliveries.

Role and Contributions:

In my role as the Structures Lead for the MAT-4, I contributed to the aircraft's design, keeping in mind the FAA's 55 lbs weight limit for UAVs. The goal was to maximize payload capacity without exceeding this limit.

I was also involved in creating a payload delivery vehicle, which was 18 inches long and 3 inches in diameter. It featured a parachute housing mechanism activated by a barometric sensor at a predetermined height. This approach was simpler and less power-intensive than some alternatives.

To maintain the aircraft's center of gravity, the payloads were strategically placed under the wing, inside the fuselage. This required a tail dragger landing gear configuration and helped ensure consistent stability during payload drops.


Our aircraft was the only one among the three M-Fly teams that was able to fly at the end of the year. Moreover, both the rotating barrel mechanism and the payload delivery vehicle performed as expected, showcasing the design's effectiveness and the successful teamwork across disciplines.